Saturday, October 12th
Parade of the Arts & ArtWalk pARTy!
Meet at Alpine Park; Finish at Riverside Park
Join us at ArtWalk for the 1st Parade of the Arts featuring your favorite local performance groups such as Salida High School band/choir, Sventastik Theatre, The Loyal Ukes, Arts First Productions, The Salida Circus, The Salida Starlettes and others! Community groups and individuals are welcome to join in! Wear a decorative costume and meet at Alpine Park by 5:15pm on Saturday, October 12. This is a walking, foot parade. No motorized vehicles. We will parade down F ST promptly at 5:30pm to Riverside Park for the ArtWalk pARTy where you can enjoy performances, concessions, dancing under the starts to DJ Ulla as well as live painting by Katie Maher! See you at ArtWalk! Watch and social media for updates.